Board of Managers

Burghauptmann Hofrat Sahl
Hofrat Mag. Reinhold Sahl photo: BHÖ

Burghauptmann (President)

Reinhold Sahl

Hofburg, Schweizerhof
1010 Vienna

Telephone: (+43) 1 536 49-814 542
FAX: (+43) 1 536 49-814 592
E-Mail: office


Stellvertretender Burghauptmann Wimmer
Hofrat Mag. Markus Wimmer photo: BHÖ

Deputy Burghauptmann (Deputy President)

Markus Wimmer

Hofburg, Schweizerhof
1010 Vienna

Telephone: (+43) 1 536 49-814 542
FAX: (+43) 1 536 49-814 592
E-Mail: Kanzlei



Field Office "Budget, Cost and Performance Accounting", is charged with accounting, cash management, controlling and budgeting. It is managed by Markus Wimmer.

Also, Field Office Public Relations & Media is directly subordinate to the Board of Managers.